There are a surprising number of Christmas tree ornaments here

"Lil Chonkers" AR-15 Mini Grip (V1.1 Update)
...A combination of two of my previously designed grips; identical ergonomics of my "Storage AR15...

AR-15 Super Lower V3.1 - Brotherhood of Steel REMIX
...AR-15 Super Lower. Keep in mind this is the AR-15 SL V3.1 WS. Check...

M5078 "INSLEE" - 3D printable Ar-15 Compatible Magazine
...AR-15 magwells. We release this item due to the recently passed legislation in Washington...

AR-15 Super Lower V3.1 Beecher's Bible
...Removed the bootlicker phrase, added the John Brown.
LBRY Tags: ar-15; fosscad; rifle...

Tactical AR-15 Pistol Grip with Mag Holder (Menendez) 9mm
...-15 Pistol Grip with Mag Holder (Menendez) 9mm
- Works with all Glock Magazines, 9mm.
Powered by Valian and alex.the.great
LBRY Tags: fgc-9; fgc; ar-15...

AR-15 Hybrid A2 style 5degree Pistol Grip for Hoffman lower
...AR-15 Pistol Grip for Hoffman lower.
5degree cant
a2 style finger nub

Strider Grip (AR-15)
...AR-15): Laffs Dynamics
A swept back, full length AR-15 grip with an extended...

AR-15 Grip Thread Jig
...Just print, snap on, and thread away! I have had to throw away lowers in...

AR-15 Magazine Spring Bending Jig Ivanthetroll
LBRY Tags: 3d file; 3d gun; 3d printing...

This is a direct drop in organizer for the PMAG ar-15...

Strike 90 K Grip (AR-15)
...AR-15): FFFTech/FFFTechnology
Compact variant of the original Laffs Dynamics Strike 90 AR-15 Grip...

AR-15 MOE Grip
...AR-15 MOE Grip
LBRY Tags: 3d file; 3d gun; 3d printing; 3d printing gun; gun...

TizmoConcepts TizmUwU-15 Official Launch
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: fosscad; 3d; 2a; ar; ar15...

Display Stand Magazines - AKM, AR-15, Glock 9mm, .380 Single Stack, M&P 15-22
...Display stand magazines for various firearms. STEP's not included but let me know if...

AGH MY NECK Mini Grip (AR-15)
...AR-15): Laffs Dynamics
Geezus CHRIST! I slept weird and now my neck's F U C K E D every...

Oh Lawd He Comin' Grips (AR-15)
...AR-15): Laff Dynamics
Oh lawdy... I've done it again... D:
Im getting down...

General Issue TGUD 0.9.8 AR-15 box magazine
...AR-15 Box magazine Inspired by the original Colt 20-round mags. Uploading for testing...

AR-15 Vertical Pistol Grip w/Beavertail
...AR-15 vertical pistol grip based on Hoffman's AR-15 grip (heavily modified). Influenced...

Knock Knock, It's CRIME Reinforced Grip (AR-15)
...AR-15): Laffs Dynamics
Strengthened variant of the original Knock Knock, It's CRIME AR...

...AR-15 issues by storing:
-Bolt w/ Extractor
-Cam Pin
-Cotter Pin
-Firing Pin
See a video...