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This is an AR-15 Box magazine Inspired by the original Colt 20-round mags. Uploading for testing. Can be printed in resin without supports, or by FDM with minimal supports. Originally meant to be resin printed, but resin likes to stick to itself-not something you want to make friction surfaces out of.
Tested in eSun PLA+ Cool White and Anycubic Tough Resin
5.56 Fits well and unloads beautifully, .300 Blackout casings like to grab the mag on the way out, so that's still being worked on
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; ar 15; magazine; firearms
Tested in eSun PLA+ Cool White and Anycubic Tough Resin
5.56 Fits well and unloads beautifully, .300 Blackout casings like to grab the mag on the way out, so that's still being worked on
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; ar 15; magazine; firearms