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AK-47 Mag Cover
...magazine cover for AK-47 magazines. I designed it for Magpul AK-47 magazines but it works...

The Greek Magholsters
...Magazine Holster for 9mm Doublestack GLOCK BRAND Magazines. Holster fits Nice and snug.
This package...

Voodoo Glock Magholster Package 15.5
...Magazine Holster for 9mm Doublestack GLOCK BRAND Magazines. Holster fits Nice and snug.
This package...

CZ P-09/10f extended baseplate
...magazines. Will not fit metal-framed CZ magazines like the CZ-75 or SP-01.
Use OEM springs...

Beretta to XD floorplate kIt
...magazine (or similar magazine) that they have already drilled a locking hole in the front...

G4365 Slide Release Adapter
...magazine follower for LRBHO. the p365 magazine follower sits lower than the glock follower so i made...

KP9 Bizon 1.0 Final Release Pack
...magazine still in closed beta (We could always use more testers). This beta was run by @ReasonArm...

G26 NAO "Not Any Other"
...magazine storage. The tumor at the front is not a grip, is angled, has no grip...

Glock Magholster Rick N Morty Package 18.8
...Magazine Holster for 9mm Doublestack GLOCK BRAND Magazines. Holster fits Nice and snug.
This package...

Submachine gun designer's handbook by Dmitrieff, G
...magazine latch, magazine housing, firing pin, Submachine guns
Publisher El Dorado, AR : Desert Publications

MP5 Mag v1.0 Reference (DMB and Taggert)
The 10rd version has been tested with a 10rd Beretta magazine spring, and the 30rd...

VP22 Bolt action pistol
...magazine fed, optionally suppressed pistol. It is influenced by the British Welrod Mk 1 pistol...

AWCY? Presents The "MAC 45" by unseenkiller
...magazines, but more interestingly this project also hosts a lower for M3 Grease Gun magazines...

AWCY? Presents: The AR Magloader
...magazine loader for 5.56 AR magazines. Cheap to build, easy to operate, and your thumbs...

22 cal AR 322 mag round body v2
...magazines and mag release.
hardware required:
-1x 8-32 1 1/4" socket head screw...

Glock 3D Printable Virtual Build Kit
...magazine release. I highly recommend using this if you plan to run Shield S15 magazines...

L-X22 Model I, Minimal (10/22) Receiver
...magazine, then function check. Be sure a round feeds from the magazine, and extracts from...

H&K G36 Reference Model
...magazine or 100-round C-Mag drum magazine.[1]
In 2012, the G36 was found...

bull pup rimfire magnum AR lower .22 mag or .17 HMR
...magazine requires a 12" ar 22 magazine spring from black dog machine. 11" springs work...

3D printed LC10 lookalike using MAC-11 parts
...magazines just for good measure. Uses AR15 LPKs and Velocity VMAC9 upper parts kits. due to the quality...