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DMB Sten Mag Shorty Remixes UPDATED 2024 MARCH

Cantonia Customs 3.2MiB March 3, 2023, 2:49 a.m.

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Short magazines for the Sten, SVTR, MPA defender and my upcoming NAK9 conversion. Made so you can use standard glock magazine springs instead of the long 33 round mag springs.

ONE YEAR UPDATE: Included a longer mag that still uses a G17 mag for an even 20 round capacity (It's actually 21 rounds but load it to 20 for easy loading)
Coming soon will be a longer mag variant that uses 9 inch extended springs which should provide capacity close to the original but with cheaper mag springs.

Credit to Danny Meatball for designing the original magazine.

LBRY Tags: defcad; guns; 3d printing; fosscad