There's an API link at the bottom if you want to poke around

dirty harry peperbox remix stl files
...requires @HulkHoganHH:f dirty harry files, peperbox remix stl files.
LBRY Tags: 22lr; revolver; remix...


...AKPS-1: Laffs Dynamics
Picatinny variant of the original Laffs Dynamics FBS-1 AKM Buttstock...

King Cobra .22lr - Professor Parabellum
...This design is based on the KING COBRA featured in professor parabellums book "KING COBRA...

Hoffman Super Safety compatible CSGCG Trigger
...Printed triggers from the CSGCG 3D Printable Fire Control Group V1.6 release have been modified...

AR Vise Blocks (Gen 1)
...AR Vise Blocks (Gen 1): Laffs Dynamics
Vise block for insertion into an AR-15...

AR15 Internals Cutaway Geometry - Freedom Fighter
...Internal geometry files for AR15 based on the AWCY? lower and BrickAR..
The original...

Arcturus Karambit REMIX m-lok grip with mag holder
...Simple remix of the Arcturus Karambit angle grip. Now it has M-lok grip with...

DecalOutlaw 1022 Ruger Micro Pistol Chassis with 10 round backup mag - Trigger Pack included in
...This was an experiment in minimalism with the Ruger 1022. It uses a printed (included...

Spooky Scary Skeletonized Grip (AR-15)
...Spooky Scary Skeletonized Grip (AR-15): Laffs Dynamics
Just in time for the bone rattling...

SLIM 20 - Variable Length 22lr Magazine for AR-22 Platform
...Slim 20 is a printable magazine for the ar-22 platform, and with minimal modifications...

Solvent trap bottle thread adapter
...Adapters to mount a plastic bottle with the usual ISBT PCO-1881 cap thread onto...

CAR15 Style Brace
...This is a brace that is inspired by the CAR15 stock. It fits a standard...

DSMG Step Files
...These are the editable .STEP files for the DSMG. One viewer requested the editable machine...

John's Troglodyte 10-22 Receiver BETA V14
...Beta testing for my new 10-22 reciever. I mainly designed this for me I...

MMK - Grip
...A new grip, influenced heavily by a popular CQB grip – packaged with 3 different textures...

ANDABATA Gun Camera System
...The ANDABATA is the vision system created for my KAC ChainSAW inspired AR15 conversion kit...

DeAr22 30rnd windowed mag body
...A Windowed Mag Body for the DeAr22 30 round mag. Compatible with the scARpion as...

Cathedral Mkx Upper V6_4 Beta
...In Association with DB Firearms MkX
This is a printed Alternative to the MkCarbon Upper...

CYKAISER Plastikov v4 Remix
...The Cykaiser Plastikov v4 - a 3D printable AKM Receiver System with a little spin straight...