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DecalOutlaw 1022 Ruger Micro Pistol Chassis with 10 round backup mag - Trigger Pack included in zip

@lakeleo 977.1KiB Feb. 14, 2023, 2:23 p.m.

22 Long Rifle Ruger Ruger 10/22

This was an experiment in minimalism with the Ruger 1022. It uses a printed (included) 1022 trigger pack that has the grip tang for an AR15. Drill the trigger pack, receiver and chassis to 5mm and use Two 5mm quick pins to hold it all together.
NOTE* mine uses marlin 60 barrels thats why you don't see any Vblock in my photos/videos
NOTE**This is totally and fully experimental. Use/Make/Mod at your own risk. I hold no responsibility and it was put online for my own personal record.

LBRY Tags: ruger; 1022; decaloutlaw; chassis; frame