The word "or" is very powerful: ar-15 or ar-10

Smoke Grenade Body For Reuseable M228 Fuse 40mm
...This is a set of smoke grenade parts to convert an M228 fuse into a...

Stick Grenade M228 Retrofit Instructions
...This is a brief picture instruction set for how to fuse, and potentially reuse the...

M34 White Phosphorus Smoke Grenade Body
...This is a printable smoke grenade body modelled after the M34. It is capable of...

Skim MILC 40mm Chalk Round V1 Alpha
...Here are the files for the UNTESTED 40mm Skim MILC Round. I designed the Skim...

40MM Ammo Containers - Initial Release
...Initial release of 3D printable 40MM ammunition containers that I designed. These cases allow for...

40MM Ammo Rack_Dovetail Release
...This is a modified version of the 40MM Ammo Holder I shared previously, that holds...

Expedient Hand Grenades - Dmitrieff
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: grenades; guns; freedom; free speech; ebook...

Khattabka (хаттабка) Grenade Pack
...The Khattabka (хаттабка) is an oddity that is now gaining attention where it appears in...

M203 40mm Grenade Launcher Receiver
...M203 40mm Receiver Blueprint...

M-79 Grenade Launcher Thumper Technical Data Package
...M-79 Grenade Launcher Thumper Technical Data Package...

Havok Stock Adapter Remix V2
...This is a stock adapter for a Havok 37mm launcher (picatinny mounted). It can accept...

Urmoms2a Grenade O'Conner AR grip
...get the raddest grip for AR platform the grenaid oconner head turner!
LBRY Tags: argrip...


Fake Grenade Body
...Body model of a M67 fragmentation grenade. The head can be purchased off eBay as...

(Russian) RPG-26-1993 Manual for Reactive Anti Tank Grenade
...Russian manual for the RPG-26
LBRY Tags: ukraine war; russian army; rocket launcher; russian...

M320 Barrel Reference Model
...The Pope was able to get his hands on a 40mm HK M320 barrel and...

B40 Grenade Pull Pin Bending Jig Set
...These two tools are for creating the triangular and teardrop shaped pull rings for DIY...

How to build Flash and Stun Grenades - Dmitrieff George
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: guns; diy; grenades; ebook; dmitrieff...

40mm RIP Round .STEP File
...The STEP file I used to make my 40mm RIP Round meme.
LBRY Tags: 40mm...

M69 Sparkle Grenade
...It's a smoke grenade canister I threw together for fun. Use are your own...