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Here are the files for the UNTESTED 40mm Skim MILC Round. I designed the Skim MILC round as a sturdier and easier to produce variant of the better known MILC round. Obviously it goes without saying to be careful and exercise an abundance of common sense, as these rounds are still going through development and are not yet tard proofed. I have had great success with my 37mm rounds based on this design concept, but since I own no 40mm launcher I cannot test these. They fire using a burst disc cut from an aluminum can and a 38 short blank. Please reach out to me with findings, suggestions and other such feedback at ButtstufferManPR@gmail.com or in the comments. I need that so we can perfect these for our community!
LBRY Tags: 40mm; guns; weapons; printing
LBRY Tags: 40mm; guns; weapons; printing