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...Uses Chinese type 56 bayonet spring and m4x35 with tapered head. STEP is included so...

Spaceballs The Magazine Bayonet (SB1)
...Introducing the SB1 (Silly Bayonet 1). A few days back a redditor on r/GunMemes posted...

M9 Bayonet Hilt (Extended Knife Handle) For 16" Barrel AR/M4
...M9 Bayonet Hilt (Extended Knife Handle) For 16" Barrel AR/M4
Do you have a civilian...

The Claw
...The Claw. Put your index inside the ring and it becomes very hard to take...

M7 bayonet grips
...Got a M7 bayonet without grips on numrich and wanted grips on it. So I...

...A 3D printed grip and sheath for a Morakniv knife blank.
LBRY Tags: 3d printed...

KP prints - AK type 1 bayonet
...this is some random bayonet design i found for ak's someone else had 3...

PNV-10T to Bayonet Adapter 3d printed
...This are 2 adapters to mount a Russian PNV-10T to a wetsern stile Rhino...

unreasonable mans bayonet a normal bayonet too edgy for you? need something a bit less reasonable?