When sorting by relevance, more popular releases are more likely to float to the top

Are We Cool Yet? Presents: DaFizzlez's NT79 37mm Signaling Device
...signaling device based on the M79 with multiple customization options.
LBRY Tags: art; 3d printed...

Watch Your Step (Signaling Device)
...simple signaling device. I am not responsible for anything. Be careful, I am not liable....

BCAM-SD-34SC-1-A 34mm Signaling Device
...Happy Printing!!
Merch: https://bcam-merch-store.printify.me/products
YouTube: agoffgrid640
TikTok: agoffgrid
Discord: https://discord.gg/qwSRKNkM

BLC Signal Device
...Signal Device,
Because everyone deserves fair warning...
Big shout-out to my dear Alfateers...

AWCY?'s Thump N Grind 37mm device
...Are We Cool Yet presents: The Thump N Grind 37mm Launcher.
LBRY Tags: art; launcher...

37mm High-Efficiency Rupturing Base Signal Rounds
...HERB rounds are Modular Signaling System (MSS) compatible signaling rounds and are easy to assemble...

37mm Sub-Caliber Devices
...2 Sub-Caliber Devices for 37mm Lounchers.
1 22lr
1 .410
Please read the Instructions...

Nameless Any Caliber Launcher (26~41.5mm)
...Nameless Any Caliber Launcher. Best 3d printed 26~41.5mm launcher. Use any caliber barrels and...

37MM front loading fin stabilized signaling round
...3D printed 37MM projectiles designed to use with payload, smoke or flare. Regular PLA is...

Brass Knockout Tool (37mm & 40mm)
...Simple tool to help knockout the .38s&w/.38spl brass from your 37/40mm cases.
Set your...

26.5mm 3 Shot Side Saddle
...Hold 3 rounds of 26.5mm signals
LBRY Tags: launcher; 26.5mm; flare; 3d2a; durbanpoisonpew...

AWCY? Presents: Danny's B.A.L.L.S 37mm pump action launcher
...signalling device. This launcher accepts payload with a maximum length of 95mm and smaller.

AWCY? Presents: Danny's Sm.A.L.L.S pump action 26.5mm launcher
...signalling device.
Assembly is nearly identical to the B.A.L.L.S. 37mm Launcher. Please refer to the B.A.L.L.S...

Complete M3a1 37mm Anti-Tank Gun Technical Data Package
...The Gatalog presents: (thanks to apprehensiveandy)
The complete technical data package for the M3a1 Anti...

NT79 Rear Sight Mk 4
...This is a 3d printable ladder sight for DaFizzlez's NT79 signaling device....

37mm Bullet Bill
...Get all the fun slow motion footage with your launcher and this 37mm Bullet Bill...

MCRN Boarder: 37mm
...This is an NT-79 (original from dafizzlez) Remix with the option to include a...

NT79 with Filagree Barrel
...A fun twist on the original NT-79 to include the filagree barrel option for...

Lever Unlocking NT79 Reinforced KRRAWN Remix
...Lever Unlocking Version of KRRAWNS Reinforced NT79 Receiver,
Thank you to , KRRAWN, IL_100, and...

Unseenkiller - 37mm Holder
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Please read...