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AWCY? Presents: Danny's B.A.L.L.S 37mm pump action launcher

Are We Cool Yet? 21.0MiB Oct. 14, 2022, 9:31 a.m.

37mm Signaling Device AWCY?

The B.A.L.L.S. is a 37mm repeating signalling device. This launcher accepts payload with a maximum length of 95mm and smaller.

Please follow the guides as this is a 100% DIY build with alot of hardware.

The B.A.L.L.S. has a 26.5mm variant called the Sm.A.L.L.S. which is also released.

Parts kits are available through INMC ([Link]( and Deadhead Parts ([Link](


LBRY Tags: 37mm; 3d printed; art; awcy; guns