Be responsible. These are not toys (except for the ones that are)

HulkHoganHH's harlot integrated suppressor barrel
...A short integrated suppressor for the harlot derringer.
Refer to readme for info
LBRY Tags...

HulkHoganHH's reinforced vz61 receiver
...A reinforced vz61 receiver that utilizes all stock parts (minus full auto sear and fire...

3DP90 "Polybius" remix
...A cosmetic redesign of the 3DP90 with more agressively styled ergonomics and a back up...

tec22 mk2A "bullet hose" open beta
...A cheap, easy to make select fire pistol in an intimidating package now available to...

5.7x28mm snap cap
...A simple 5.7x28mm snap cap for those who don't feel like spending money...

MP22k upper receiver 2 piece
...A quick remix to make the MP22k more accessible to those who cannot fit the...

4-banger open beta rev0
...A 4 barrel break open double action pistol for those who want a simple semi...

"El Ratto" open beta rev3-01, minor updates and a long slide remix
...Revision 3 of the "El Ratto" magazine fed semi automatic pistol, now with a new...

AR7 Scout by HulkHoganHH
...HulkHoganHH. This receiver is confirmed to work with an aftermarket Mitchell arms collapsing stock and should...

Yeet22 Hammer official release
...The first successful 3d printer proprietary semi auto pistol originally developed by @Shit_On_Wheels...

Dirty Harry full release, now with .step assemblies
...The classic single action six shooter brought to your 3d printer from the silver screen...

FGCZ9 official release rev1
...Have you always wanted a cz scorpion but couldn't afford one or wait for...

Wise guy mk1 open beta - .22lr thompson
...A remix of kaewon's timmeh .22 printable thompson to allow for a heavier bolt...

CSMGC printable M16 trigger group
...A select fire alternative to the well known CSGCG printable ar15 trigger group. Featuring third...

(OBSOLETE) "El Ratto" open beta rev2
...Revision 2 of the "El Ratto" traditional magazine fed semi automatic pistol, with additional rails...

CZ scorpion/scarpion 22/FGCZ9 "SD mod" type hand guard
...A handguard to accommodate suppressors about 1.8" (k-cad B size) in diameter for the...

mac22 mk2 "big mac" open beta
...The bigger, better, new and improved version of the mac22 mk1. Now featuring a printed...

experimental fixed iron sights: version 1
...a quick draft of some fixed low profile picatinny sights intended for use with the...

tec22 beta
...essentially, the mac22 mk2 but converted to an ar15 fcg, recommended for experienced builders

Scarpion 22lr build-a-bolt mk1
...A more cost effective solution to a CMMG .22lr ar15 bolt conversion kit. Compatible with...