Release image

FGCZ9 official release rev1

HulkHoganHH 297.1MiB Oct. 17, 2022, 8:29 p.m.

9x19mm CZ FGC-9 Scorpion Hybrid Firearm

Have you always wanted a cz scorpion but couldn't afford one or wait for parts to be in stock? Well now you can make your own almost entirely from scratch! includes similar features to the FGC9 and now confirmed to fit the scarpion 2055 furniture package.

UPDATE: There was a geometry error with the upper left clamshell that has caused fitment issues, this has been corrected. AR9 barrel uppers are still okay.

All relevant info is in the included documents. I do not take responsibility for any injury or illegal activities perpetrated with these files. Print at your own risk.

LBRY Tags: 9mm; cz; scorpion; fgc9; 3dprinting