Images for smaller things are broken but not popular releases? Probably an Odysee problem

None-Shot: Non-attached shoulder rest
...Today must be "cursed, but funny design day". This is an exercise in whipping up...

USW At Home Remix2 (Derivative of Booligan and Chairmanwon)
...G17/19 USW - Remix^2. Remember to 1 point sling carry with a trigger cover/holster, or...

Ruger Mark 1-2 Extended and mag feed Heel release v3
...The design of this mag release will do a few things.
-Better grip
-Changes the...

USW G17 extra brace
...I forgot about this brace. Its in the pic I posted of the USW at...

Grumpy 'ol German style handguard for SF5 with lower pic rail *Updated with one more
...modified sf5 handguard, to look similar to the original MP5 tapered handguard. I also stuck...

SF5(smooth side) endcap based on the AWCY A3 collapsible brace
...No real docs. But if you've made a SF5 and have made the collapsible...

Sig Whiskey3 Lever
...Magnification in/out is twiddly with gloves. Make this out of PETG or PET. Needs a...

KF5 endcap based on the AWCY A3 collapsible brace
...No real docs. But if you've made a KF5 and have made the collapsible...
