Pay attention to releases marked as "Beta" -- you might get more than you bargained for

M1337 Gatling Gun - Public Beta Version B3
...Recently updated with added B3 version files
LBRY Tags: 3d print; fosscad; gatling; m1337; nopel...

RBC - 9 : Public Beta Version B1
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; guns; rifle; firearm; beta...

M1337 Beta Version 3 - Updates
...within the instruction document in the download.
LBRY Tags: m1337; gatling; gun; 3d print; nopel...

M1337 Assembled Reference Model + Animated Model
...have no idea why this is the case **
LBRY Tags: m1337; nopel; animated; reference; gatling...

Nopel - s2_a
...same as the shortened version in the trailer.
LBRY Tags: nopel; s2_a; @nopel; song; music...

Crank Wheel - Corrected Model - Credit : Alpharius
...It was pointed out to me that the Crank Wheel model included with the files...

Nopel HW-4 Mega Pistol Aliexpress BOM
...Nopels HW4 Mega Pistol as Amazon / US-based shops are not a viable source for some...

HW4 Mega Pistol
...Revised design, and a new more detailed build guide for the Mega Pistol, originally created...

RBC-9 Two-Piece Receiver
...An experimental two-piece receiver, for use if you have a printer that cannot fit...

Barrel Collar Step File - M1337 - Credit : Alpharius
...A .step file for the Barrel Collar of the M1337, makes adjusting the hole size...

Grip Frame with Pic Rail - Credit : Alpharius
...Alternate Upper Grip Frame for the M1337 which has a picatinny rail for mounting an...

Pr 17 Malachit Alpha Release v0.004
...Nopel. It is geared towards being able to form1, unlike my other designs.
It is firmly...

M1337 Parts List PDF with links
...Nopel:6 M1337 build. Shop around, you might find some stuff cheaper. I recommend going...

HW4 Fuzzy Skin Blocker
Using CURA: "HW4 Fuzzy Skin Blocker
2.Select "Per Model Settings
3.Select "Modify Settings...
