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Pr 17 Malachit Alpha Release v0.004

Nikolai Romanov's Library 21.5MiB April 3, 2024, 7:28 p.m.

No tags

This is the alpha release of the Pr. 17 Malachit, a primarily 3d printed suppressor for the m1337 Gatling gun by Nopel. It is geared towards being able to form1, unlike my other designs.

It is firmly in the experimental stage, and should be considered unsafe to test until the build has been updated into the Beta release.
please do not use this unless you really know what you are doing and are prepared to waste 2+kg of filament.


Can't Stop the Signal.

V0.004 - bolt reinforced version, should be much easier to make and can be disassembled. needs hardware.

V0.003 - fix cooling port blockages by fusion being a fucking cunt thanks nopel for finding it

V0.002 - inlcude the 762 version.

LBRY Tags: okb-69; nikolai romanov; 3d2a; malachit; pr. 17