This site contains exactly zero required JavaScript code (there's a small amount for tiny formatting things)

Glock 17 & 19 Rail Templates Including Jig files/instructions (BACKUP)
...Get a manufacturer's glimpse of what sheet-steel (18-gauge to be exact) can be bent...

AWCY? presents: The Grip 'N Rip under-desk holster solution
...get tricky, you need a quickie”
LBRY Tags: art; awcy?; guns; 3d printing; are we cool...

Slip Trip Recoil Buffer
...getting stuck behind the AR-15 hammer when used with the Lee Sporting housing and other...

fidget switch
...get this to act as an auto sear nor can it be modified as it lacks...

Black Bonnie Harlot Long-Boi Barrel
...Get your Tricorns and eye patches on. Ahoy!
LBRY Tags: harlot; long boi; black bonnie...

takedown pin knob
...Get rid of those annoying keyrings on your takedown pins. these are for 1/4" clevis...

The Can-Can - Put a can on your MAC11!
If you were charged for these files, please reach out to me

Modesty Blaise - The girl with It
...get the Solidworks complete files in the spirit of JSTARK1809.
Fuck distributing only STL files...

Pill Popper v1.5
...Get your Form 1 ready. Rimfire only.
Change Log - Since v1 Now is unibody. No more...

DD17.2 DD19.2 DD26.2 DD43.2 Rail Set Aves Model STEP Files
...get lost. We do not respect companies who are not truly open-source, as this...

Rogue-9 Aliexpress BOM
...get a small commission (some cents) that maybe one day fuel my next order for springs...

Pla_ak_ak_ak 9mm Linear Comp 1/2X28 and 3/4X10 [2/21/24]
...instagram or twitter and I will get them fixed.
LBRY Tags: 3dprinting; 3d2a; linearcomp; 9mm; muzzledevice...

MCXish Remix Megapack
...getting that hinge right and the aesthetics.
Comes with carbon fiber cut to length stock...

...get. This receiver uses a 2.5" Adafruit screen instead.
Part number for the screen:

4 Inch Handguards for AWCY ARK
...get posted anywhere and wanted to share in case someone else wanted it.
LBRY Tags...

PF940C 4 hole jig
...get his readme instructions on printing this jig. Tell him thank-you for remaking Mr. Snows...

FGC-9 MK1 HG-1
...get the base firearm data pack, use the following link:
LBRY Tags...

DBs JMAC AB Brace End (BETA)
...get some feedback on a real JMAC AB to make sure it's fully compatible...

printable ar15 fire controls inital dev release
...get stuck in YOUR foot"- as your small DIY caltrops will, once they find the only...

Pla_ak_ak_ak Py2a 1711
...instagram or twitter and I will get them fixed.
LBRY Tags: py2a; 3d printing; 3d2a; 1711...