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this is a DEVELOPMENT VERSION of a printable ar15 fire control group. It's provided as is, without warranty or implied safety and effectiveness, for people who know enough about printing guns to test this safely. In my own personal testing, this now resets reliably enough for me to feel safe releasing it for public testing. I have been printing it at 8 shell layers with 80% gyroid infill with normal cura supports- a nice thin sharp wood chisel has been making short work of removing these, including from the sear slot in the trigger ("THIN" chisel, width of the blade wise)- a screwdriver tip also works here, it should pop out with a bit of leverage from both sides. I have also been making DIY springs for these- which is so easy I can't help but fully recommend it for anybody generally who can run a 3d printer. wear gloves, use pliers, use a longer piece of wire to start with for better leverage forming the middle of it- and many other small pieces of advice could be added here. My shop rules list, because of these hammer springs particularly, has come to include "bend the ends of sharp wires into a 90 degree foot, so that the sharp cut straight end doesn't get stuck in YOUR foot"- as your small DIY caltrops will, once they find the only carpet in your workspace. Seriously, these things are worse than legos, once you start making a bunch of them.
Picture almost but not QUITE unrelated.
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; firearms; crypto; economics
Picture almost but not QUITE unrelated.
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; firearms; crypto; economics