Tags are best-effort. They might miss some things sometimes

Lil'Goblin P90-Style Carry Handle
Anything can be a P90 if it has the correct mouth-feel!
4 different styles of carry handle included (Vanilla/VanillaThick/Tri-Rail Slanted/Tri-Rail 9

The Thunder Whisker - 3D Printable Taurus G2G3 Hybrid Frame - Gat Goonies Pack
The Mad Printer presents:
The Thunder Whisker- 3D Printable Taurus G2G3 Hybrid Frame - Gat Goonies Pack by The Mad Printer

Project 1002 Master Development Plan
The Master Development Plan is the guiding document of a project from which objectives are defined, goals are detailed, and success is determined. Suc

Beretta 85 Reference Model
Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES, and X_T Format, Thank you for your hard work
The Beretta 85 is a .380 ACP (9 mm Short) caliber pistol that is part of

Beretta 84F Reference Model
Unknown Developer, STEP Format, Thank you for your hard work

1911 Magazine Ranger-style overinsertion stop
An overinsertion stop styled in the shape of a magpul pmag ranger plate. For 10-round .45ACP Mec-Gar Magazines UPC: 765595112803
or 765595112902 - Rem

Lil Carbon Folder
Remixed the Little Giant and Carbon Folder into one happy brace/stock system. The best of both worlds with the robust folding hinge mechanism of Unsee

Pr.100 Tyulpan Alpha
The Tyulpan is a Flash Suppressor intended to signifiantly change the report and flash signature of the weapon it's attached to, resulting in the soun

EIC/NRA Service Rifle Ammo Quiver
FossDad's Printable EIC/ NRA Service Rifle Ammo Pouch or Quiver for 223/556
Spots included for two sighters, and ten cartridges for score.
Print the

FossDad's Holster Caddy
Mountable Holster Caddy, compatible with any open clip holster.
Simply Print face down, clear supports, then mount it directly to a stud, or with su

BETA: g19x with gen 3 internals
this is a G19x style frame that uses glock 19 gen 3 internals, a dd26.2 set of rails, gen 4 or gen 5 slides and glock 17 magazines. It requires a gen

Unseenkiller - Block SW-G
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No Odysee comments will be monitored.
Please read the readme for information inside of each ZIP.

Decker 380 Iron Sights
These are iron sights for the Decker 380 from the Black Lotus Coalition. Use if you have configured your Decker with picatinny rails (including the r

Project 1002.1 Super Alpha Test

Pr.1003 ALPHA
Project 1003 was done at the request of a user with a Q cherry bomb XL. to my knowledge these threads are unobtainium elsewhere.

MAF Arms 3D Placard
MAF arms has some of the best 3d2a parts kits on the market so a placard to honor Matt and the rat next to the collection is only fitting.

Super (Hah goteem!) Safety V4.4
install this & let the lolz.... & brass fly :)
print however, for experienced builders only, fingers point tward you (cam is inverted) detent pocket

DD20.1/DD21.1 Textured Remix with front pic rail
This a DD20.1/DD21.1 Textured Remix with front pic rail. This is a rails down frame brought to you by rails down gang.
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; g21; g20; fm

Trippy G19 Remix
Remix of Chairmanwon's "Trippy" G19 FMDA frame. Added the usual things I like on my pistols: beavertail, flared extended magwell. Also beefed up the

this is a simplified version of the XD92. it uses Beretta m9/92fs style mags. The mag release is from an SD9VE, the mag release spring is from a glock