All times are displayed in Central Time. Anything more requires cookies and shit that I haven't set up yet

this is a simplified version of the XD92. it uses Beretta m9/92fs style mags. The mag release is from an SD9VE, the mag release spring is from a glock

TT-33 Reference Model
Unknown Dev, STEP, STL, 3DM Format available

TC-10P Reference Model
Dev: Professor Parrabelum, STEP Format

STRUG 9mm Pistol Reference Model
Dev: Professor Parabellum, STEP Format available

STG-44 Reference Model
Unknown Dev, STEP, Solidworks, X_T, and IGS Format
The StG 44 (abbreviation of Sturmgewehr 44, "assault rifle 44") is a German assault rifle develope

SS lever remixed to remove sharp bend
Super Safety Lever remix

Sike Arms Fyre
Become Un-Treadable 3DPrint your own FREEDOM!
Sike Arms Remix, Takes PalmettoStateArmory Dagger Rails
Print Settings
Print Rails Down
Esun or Inlan

Sike Arms Water Droplets
Become Un-Treadable 3DPrint your own FREEDOM!
Sike Arms Remix, Takes PalmettoStateArmory Dagger Rails
Print Settings
Print Rails Down
Esun or Inlan

Sike Arms Urban Zombie
Become Un-Treadable 3DPrint your own FREEDOM!
Sike Arms Remix, Takes PalmettoStateArmory Dagger Rails
Print Settings
Print Rails Down
Esun or Inla

If this confuses you, this isnt meant for you...

Kel-Tec CP33 FCU
My best effort to measure the Kel-Tec CP33 frame/receiver/FCU/FCG whatever it’s called .
LBRY Tags: fosscad; cp33; keltec; 22lr; 2a3d

Griff-Meister G36K Picatinny Carry Handle
Sleek & Stylish G36K carry handle for all of your carrying needs!
Comes in "Plain" and "Iron Sight" picatinny flavors!
Rail is EXACTLY 10 inches!

VZ61 Reference Model
IPT and IAM Format, VZ61 Reference Model, Unknown Dev

AR-9 Prof. Parabellum V1.2 Reference Model
AR-9 Prof. Parabellum V1.2 Reference Model, STEP Format

AS Val Reference Model
AS Val Reference Model, STEP Format, Developed by Anatoli Metzger

Chinese Police Pistol Type 64 Reference Model
Chinese Police Pistol Type 64 Reference Model, Unknown Dev, STEP Format only
The Type 64 pistol (Chinese: 64式手枪; pinyin: 64 shì shǒu qiāng; lit. 'Typ

PS-97S Arrow Reference Model
PS-97S Reference Model, STEP Format only, Unknown Dev
The PS-97 Arrow is a Slovakian pistol based on the CZ-75. It was produced in limited numbers an

Colt Python Reference Model
STEP Format only, Colt Python Reference Model, Unknown Dev

Scorpion EVO3 S2 Micro Reference Model
F3D, STEP, OBJ, STL, IGES, and STL Format, Scorpion EVO3 S2 Micro Reference Model, Unknown Dev

Life Card 22 Reference Model
F3D, STEP, OBJ, STLs, Life Card 22 Reference Model, Unknown Dev