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Festive Snow Clearance Charge
...This snowman shaped demolition device can effortlessly remove snow from an improved surface through incendiary...

Raider Pad Fixed Stock, as seen in Call of Duty Cold War
...The Raider Pad, as seen in the game Call of Duty Cold War, is not...

MGS 5 Peace Walker Zadornov's Prosthetic Hand Charm
...This is a roughly 60mm tall model of Zardonov's prosthetic hand posed in the...

Dual DSMG Teaser II
...This is the prototype for the left and right configurable spade grip for my double...

B40 Grenade Pull Pin Bending Jig Set
...These two tools are for creating the triangular and teardrop shaped pull rings for DIY...

FamAR Update for December
...The hard part of the FamAR is almost over! I lost a lot of time...

Stubbs Customs Wolfspistole Seamless Barrel Rings
...This will allow you to use 30mm seamless tubing for the Wolfspistole. Print 2 of...