Not everything is legal everywhere. So shut up, you don't have shit

Belt Fed Update
...I havent forgotten about my belt fed enthusiasts.
The belt fed is on its 3rd...

December 2022 Update
...If you are wondering why I haven't posted in two weeks all is well...

M16Z Double Barrel Ar15
...This is the Double Barrel AR15 as seen in the TFB articles M16Z and Pipe...

BPNVG II Single Body PVS Shutter Lens Adapter
...This is an upgrade to the BPNVG II single body unit that allows a PVS14...

FamAR Status Update 21 Nov 2022
...The current state of the FamAR.
Left to complete:
Front and rear adjustable sights

GP37mm Easy Vog
...The Easy Vog is a simpler 37mm launcher round for my GP37mm platform, featuring a...

Beltfed Update
...Final features are being put in place, and the working prototype only needs the cartridge...

...The FamAR and the MASTR are both nearly complete and have been set on the...

FamAR Modern Magwell
...This is an optional set of prototype receiver side plates and center parts that are...

FamAR FCG Assembly Guide
...This is one of my notes on the progress of the FamAR.
There will be...

S96S Sight Cover
...The S96S rear sight cover was made a while ago when the original S96S released...

Schräge Musik Teaser 6-12-2022
...Attempted deadline end July
LBRY Tags: belt fed; stubbs; ar15; 3d printed; c:unlisted...

Sturmgewehr-556(S) Instructions
...This is the compilation of all instructions for the STG556(S) as well as the...

"Палец" (Finger) Safety Tool GP Series Launcher
...The Finger is a tool to prevent injury while loading the GP series launcher such...

Cobray 37mm Mount Gripstick
...This gripstick allows a Cobray 37mm or similar launcher that attaches to an AR15 barrel...

M34 White Phosphorus Smoke Grenade Body
...This is a printable smoke grenade body modelled after the M34. It is capable of...

Saddam Hussein Jenga
...This is the well known Saddam Hussein Jenga block from the ' Is that Saddam Hussein...

Khattabka (хаттабка) Grenade Pack
...The Khattabka (хаттабка) is an oddity that is now gaining attention where it appears in...

Dual DSMG Teaser II
...This is the prototype for the left and right configurable spade grip for my double...

B40 Grenade Pull Pin Bending Jig Set
...These two tools are for creating the triangular and teardrop shaped pull rings for DIY...