Release image

Belt Fed Update

Stubbs Customs 130.4KiB Aug. 19, 2022, 5:56 p.m.

Rifle Unlisted AR-15

I havent forgotten about my belt fed enthusiasts.

The belt fed is on its 3rd? prototype ieteration. Im not sure anymore.

This one looks promosing, and I just need to flesh out some timing and finish the cover for the gears.

Additional patch notes:

Link chute: Links falling out of the right side of the previous version became caught on the crank.

The crank handle was too close to the area links fall out.

Link Scraper: Links would remain stuck on the sprocket and spin around, becoming jammed under the belt.

Anti-reversal pawl: Always planned, never got around to it. Ran out of other problems and will get around to it.

LBRY Tags: belt fed; stubbs; ar15; c:unlisted