If you can make a better monochromatic icon, hit me up. I'll use it

Plank Remix (Unseenkillers A2 Stock)
...Unseenkillers A2 Stock. Enjoy or don't I'm not the boss of you. Comments...

G43X pdw unseenkiller Remix
...unseenkillers g17 invader pdw Follow Set-up readme for printing or better yet the doc from...

AWCY? Presents: the "War Machine" by unseenkiller
Odysee Support Room / URL: https://matrix.to/#/!DxcvjHYIsEVrKImrHv:matrix.org?via=matrix.org
LBRY Tags: art; awcy?; 3d printed; guns...

White Castle Crave Case for Unseenkiller's UFG9
...unseenkiller:d for his killer design on this one
LBRY Tags: g19; glock; ufg9; fmg9...

Crocodile Skin Case for Unseenkiller's UFG-9
...unseenkiller:d for his killer design on this one
LBRY Tags: ufg9; g19; glock; fmg9...

Unseenkiller Remix - G43X PDW extend pic
...Refer tio orginal unseenkiller or DigitalNimbusLabs nvader PDW Documentation
Adhesion * Brim if having sticking problems...

Go-F-Yourself Remix - 3D Printable S&W Sigma SW9F-SW40F Frames - UnseenKiller Edition
...Remix - 3D Printable S&W Sigma SW9F-SW40F Frames - UnseenKiller Edition by The Mad Printer...

AWCY? Presents The "MAC 45" by unseenkiller
...The MAC 45, as the name would indicate, is a printable .45acp MAC 10 project...

AWCY Presents - The Cherry Popper by Unseenkiller
...The Cherry Popper is a 37mm signaling device, reinforced with allthread, fence post, binding posts...

AWCY? Presents: The Glock 17F by unseenkiller
...The Glock 17F, inspired by the SMC for the P320, is a Glock 17 frame...

Unseenkiller- Black Pawn Diamond No Finger Rest Remix
...Removed the finger rest...

Unseenkiller- Black Pawn Diamond RH Gas Pedal Remix
...Includes 3 different variations of the gas pedal...

Jp & Unseenkiller P320 X compact remix
...A grip module for the Sig P320 X compact. An even smaller version of the...

Unseenkiller mine1_fixed
...angled foregrip is also a glock mag holder....

T-HUSS Texture Pack - Unseenkiller - G19 XCM - FMDA
...7 Different textures
LBRY Tags: 2a; 3d2a; glock; 9mm; fmda...

Now Kiss
...Unseenkillers locking latch. See their pages for instructions. Can still use the plates from AWCY...

Recession Ruger R2 -- Chef Remix
...Unseenkiller: https://odysee.com/@unseenkiller:d/Unseenkiller---Recession-Ruger-R2:d
Watch fishtank when it goes live at www.fishtank.live!
LBRY Tags: 3d2a...

A2 Stock with spring latches
...unseenkiller to let you remove the butpad with a bullet tip or pen
uses a 6mm spring...

...Clean CAD remix of the Recession Ruger by UnseenKiller with the Ambi Release...

07.13.24 FMDA G19
...Unseenkiller's TAA 19 found here: https://odysee.com/@unseenkiller:d/Unseenkiller---TAA-19:a
I just wanted to attempt my own remix...