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The Cherry Popper is a 37mm signaling device, reinforced with allthread, fence post, binding posts and SHCS's. This launcher, while small, has proven to be quite the little tank of a Black Powder 37mm launcher!
For questions or concerns, the Element room to discuss this project can be found here:
[AWCY - Cherry Popper - 37mm Signaling Device](https://matrix.to/#/!usbaiHEpFxkyFCYZZT:matrix.org?via=matrix.org)
LBRY Tags: art; 3d printed; 37mm; awcy?; launcher
For questions or concerns, the Element room to discuss this project can be found here:
[AWCY - Cherry Popper - 37mm Signaling Device](https://matrix.to/#/!usbaiHEpFxkyFCYZZT:matrix.org?via=matrix.org)
LBRY Tags: art; 3d printed; 37mm; awcy?; launcher