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Jp & Unseenkiller P320 X compact remix
...A grip module for the Sig P320 X compact. An even smaller version of the...

Chonkier Hammer for the FGC-9
...Don't you just hate it when you pull the trigger on your FGC-9...

Improved Striker Orifice Jig for FGC-9 Bolt Manufacture
...The purpose of the above-mentioned jig is to significantly increase the success-rate of...

g1911 3 world warz edition
...are you a millennial whos just too good for striker fired? well ive got just...

P80 G19 Wave Stipple
...Polymer80 G19 Wave Stipple. Uses Polymer80 rails, Glock OEM parts as well as aftermarket. 🔥 🚀

AWCY ARK Grip Brace with QD, 2 piece print
...2 piece print utilizing a M3x40 minimum length cap head/button head screw. I wanted a...

DNL FMDA 17.2 with pocket for serial plate
...DNL FMDA 17.2 with pocket for serial plate
LBRY Tags: glock; fosscad; dnl; art; freedom...

FGC9 AR9 Barrel Hand Gaurd
...FGC 9 MK1 handguard to be able to use an AR9 barrel...

Polymer80 G19 Diamond Embossed
...Polymer80 Glock 19 with Diamond Embossed Stippling. Uses Polymer80 Rails
LBRY Tags: glock; glock 19...

Mod9 is Not FGC-9 (MNF9)
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: fgc-9; fgc; guncad; 3d; mod9...

sauerkraut v2 mount for db9 alloy
...this is a remix i did for the sauerkraut v2 mount to fit the db9...

Reinforced FGC9 MKII Upper
...Reinforced FGC9 MKII Upper by Marksman_Dilbert
A reinforced upper for the FGC9 MKII to...

Latte Bar (Mac11 Glock Bar Mag Release)
...Latte Bar is an ambi bar mag release for glock style mag release mac11 lower...

Absolver G17L
...Funky 40K 17L, 3 flavors to choose from in this pack. 17.2 rails
LBRY Tags...

FMDA DD19.2 'Fck Trudeau' Remix
...A remix of Yeezy's Vanila with a special message for Justine Trudeau
LBRY Tags...

Printable Die-set for PY2A rails
...Printable die set for py2a rails.
LBRY Tags: py2a; glock; rails; 9mm; 22lr...

Cobray M-11-9 Upper Reference
...Reference model of a Cobray M-11/NINE upper receiver and charging handle.
Currently modeling...

MP5 AP5 Endcap and AR trigger housing (SS MP5+MP5k and MP5A3 Daikon Remix)
...Remix of meatbanana42069's trigger housing and Mussy/daikon/doge's MP5A3 stock/brace. Included original endcap options...

NAG22 G-26x Lower
...I am NOT the brilliant designer , Just a remixer
NAG22 G-26x lower
Ju5t3nc4s3 Unseenkiller...

STEN Speed Loader
...A speed loader specifically for STEN magazines, metal and printed.
Works just like a MagLula...