This site contains exactly zero required JavaScript code (there's a small amount for tiny formatting things)

...this lower lets you make hoffmans orca into an glock mag AR9. i included the...

Graveyard glock 26
...skeletonized glock 26 that takes p80 rails. I give credit to ghostyoftheleaf and mussy the...

Glocknofsky 19 SpiderWebb
...This is Glocknofsky19v2 SpiderWebb
The Glocknofsky Designed by iprintshit and Nofsky Industries
New Ergos and...

Solid DB9 (Standoff Version)
...This model is the SCSM1 version of the DB9 Alloy that uses his proprietary Standoff...

Schnitzel G19 Frame-Beskar
...Remix to add "beskar" texture and mythosaur to the Schnitzel G19. Original design and all...

Sike Arms Fyre
...Become Un-Treadable 3DPrint your own FREEDOM!
Sike Arms Remix, Takes PalmettoStateArmory Dagger Rails

Brick26 Gorilla Unit
...POLYMER80 Brick26 Gorilla Unit Package
Brick26 New Ergos and Grips.

Glocknofsky Package 4.3
...This is Glocknofsky Package 4.3 with new stipple designs by yours truly.
The Glocknofsky Designed...

Not so new, definately improved! Now with 40% MORE Sci-Fi Aesthetics
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; g17; glock...

BeWeave Brick26 v2
...POLYMER80 BeWeave Brick26v2
New Ergos and Grips for the p80 brick26v2...

Chonkier Hammer for the FGC-9
...Don't you just hate it when you pull the trigger on your FGC-9...

Polymer80 Brick26
...POLYMER80 Brick26 w Brick Stipple
The Polymer80 Brick26 is extremely impractical...

Improved Striker Orifice Jig for FGC-9 Bolt Manufacture
...The purpose of the above-mentioned jig is to significantly increase the success-rate of...

g1911 3 world warz edition
...are you a millennial whos just too good for striker fired? well ive got just...

Glock Magazine Package 9.8
...Glock MAGHOLSTERS Package v9.8
Glock Magazine Holster for 9mm Doublestack GLOCK BRAND Magazines. Holster fits...

P80 G19 Wave Stipple
...Polymer80 G19 Wave Stipple. Uses Polymer80 rails, Glock OEM parts as well as aftermarket. 🔥 🚀

Mk.3 Sheet Metal Pistol - professor parabellum
...-i am currently re creating this file as im not very happy with it-

Stingray 9mm - Professor Parabellum
...This is a mostly complete Stingray Machine pistol, missing some obvious features such as extractor...

Sumac extended brace rail
...Keep in mind this is just a rough design and isnt perfect
LBRY Tags: stl...

AWCY ARK Grip Brace with QD, 2 piece print
...2 piece print utilizing a M3x40 minimum length cap head/button head screw. I wanted a...