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AR-15 Featureless Pistol Grip
...3D printable AR-15 featureless profile grip...

MAS-49/56 stock replacement using AR-15 grip and stock
...MAS-49/56 stock replacement using AR-15 grip and stock
LBRY Tags: 3d; gun; guncad; mas...

AR-15 Side Charger v1 barrel nut/handguard things and in certain configs won't stow completely flat.

FGC-9 MKII MINI UNW AR-15 shroud Mini 1/3 1/4 1/6 scale
LBRY Tags: fgc; fgc-9 mini; fgc-9 mkii; ar-15 shroud; scale model...

FGC-9 MKIISD FGC-6 MKII UNW AR-15 free floating handguard
...Tags: fgc-9; fgc-9 mkii; ar-15 free floating handguard; fgc-6; fgc-6 mkii...

F-4 AR-15 Reference Model
...Unknown Developer, X_T and STEP Format
Its an expensive AR why would anyone buy...

AR-15 1911 Pistol Grip
...Amateur design for a 3D printable 1911 style pistol grip for AR-15s...

Canton-Quality (CQ) AR-15 Grip by CantoniaCustoms (replica of Norinco CQ311 grip)
...A copy of the Chinese M16 clone (Norinco CQ-311) pistol grip now available for...

AR-15 Mag Release
...Vanilla style.
If thats a thing lol...

ARK AWCY NurplesMod AR-15 Magwell
...Definitely not a bastardized kitbash with a Hoffman Tactical...
My goal here is not to...

Picatinny AR-15 Buffer Tube adapter w/ Modified Saurkraut V2 adapter
...Sharing this on the off-chance it is useful for someone. I couldn't find...

AR-15 Anti-Rotation Pin Plates
...Attempt at making some 3D printable anti-rotation pin plates...

Standard Capacity Stock for AR-15 style tube.
...This was built from existing standard stock cad files I think from defcad or the...

Printable Ambidextrous AR-15 Safety Select
...just a couple QOL upgrades for the safety select switch included in the Common Sense...

Superstar-15 3D Printable Lower Receiver
...The Gatalog presents:
The Superstar-15 3D Printable Lower Receiver
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AR Ambi Safety
...AR-15. updated per request of the reddit peeps. now includes a readme n other...

Alternate BPAR-15 parts
A horizontal foregrip
A Carrying handle
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; bpar-15; guncad; ar-15...

Orca V5.3
...AR-15 rifle. The goal of the project was to print as much of the AR...

M70-AR Buffer Extension Adaptor
...AR Buffer Extension Adaptor: Laffs Dynamics
A single part mount for the Zastava M70 AK, designed for the adapted usage of AR-15...

AR Vise Blocks (Gen 1)
...AR Vise Blocks (Gen 1): Laffs Dynamics
Vise block for insertion into an AR-15...