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...model variants were actually called the Hung 'n Slung, and the Chode; instead
of their...

Micro Camo Beretta 21A Bobcat Grip Panels
...base grip model from their design release.
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; firearms; beretta; grip; panels...

M9 Bayonet Hilt (Extended Knife Handle) For 16" Barrel AR/M4
...models only) - Tree (auto), On build plate only, threshold angle 13 Deg
The bayonet handle...

Shturmovik PDW - BETA trial of a remix
...model is great but there were a few issues that I ran into when I built...

308 Bolt Carrier
...AR10 bolt carrier with a "buffer pin track." Hybrid of two models available on grabcad....

Cutaway M203, 80% Scale
...file for attributions, build notes, and other info.
LBRY Tags: model; ornament; grenade launcher; cutaway; cad...

FamAR Optional Left Handed Parts
In the future I may create a deflector for ambidextrous use similar to what...

GG3D DR-6 Handstop V6
...model 06/06/24: V6; more snug fit on the pic rail, overall fitment tweaks and geometry...

Beretta to XD floorplate kIt
...model file is so that anyone can print up a conversion kit for the Beretta...

BPAR-15 WBK's remix WiP-S (stopped for now)
...models - "front handguard", "body (lower) shell", two parts of "trigger".
Bc i had some problems...

Wozjak's EZ22 カニ Bolt v0.8
...modelled supports.
Special thanks to Plastic Blasters for the base file that this is built...

Snarks Nimbus Cover (BETA) 34 and 17
...model. It is an OPEN BETA. Please Leave Feed back if you find anything non functional...

...Standard. Also added a nonfunctional cutaway display model
R1 - Initially Published Version Circa march 2024

MGS 5 Peace Walker Zadornov's Prosthetic Hand Charm
...model of Zardonov's prosthetic hand posed in the V for peace sign as shown...

Ridge Swept Mustela Plastico Grip Panels
...base grip model from their design release.
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; firearms; awcy; grip; beretta...

Machinist Drawings for SMG Frames
...good use and start modeling up some fun things.
LBRY Tags: machinist drawing; mac11; m11; cobray; dimensions...

Type 3 - Gas Block - Reference
...model lacks the drilled Gasport as this is something you would likely change. the d2 tolerance...

Trigger Cut Beretta 21A Bobcat Grip Panels
...base grip model from their design release.
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; firearms; beretta; bobcat; pistol...

FGC9-MKIISD UNW370 SLIM shroud or for the FGC6 MKII
...models that I designed. but keep in mind the are still made to just work...

Paracord Sling Loop (Sling Goat)
...Modeled after the Q Sling Devil, you use this in conjunction with some Paracord to attach...