All LBRY claims are public, even if you hide them in Odysee. It's the nature of the platform

Dual 10 Round AR Mag Pouch (REMIX)
...models so I was able to include STEP files of those.
Print orientation: Print everything...

Kalashnikov prints 7.62x39 izmash 30 round magazine
...model of a russian military izmash 30 round bakealite ak-47 - 7.62x39 , 30 round...

37MM Ported Barrel Drilling Jig
...models included.
- Filing Clamp - This uses less material and gives a flat surface to file...

LTP Padded Frame (Canik TP9)
...model from their design release.
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; firearms; frame; canik; tp9; c:disable...

...model from their design release. Provided hardware
info. Provided images for reference.
LBRY Tags: 3d printing...

...model from "Mark.coppola" in printable.
Usage is referred to "P320FCU-Insert.stp" or "P320FCU-Insert.iam".
My telegram channel...

PIRATE THIS BRACE. Carbine Buffer Tube Ambidextrous Pistol Brace
...model is a public domain license. Give these away from free, hang them from trees...

...models. if you already printed a version with the artifact you can just cut it off with...

crack 11 pdw kit for hipoint jhp
...model ill update this to work with it as well
updated to include step files...

...modeling and made a couple of friends along the way.
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; 3d2a...

26 V1
...model aims to fool Cura into just converting the surface of the grip with micro...

Rubber Duck M16
...model that does not have a shell deflector or forward assist so that it can be carried...

Khattabka (хаттабка) Grenade Pack
...model would be great for cosplay, wargames, or even use as a training aid.

Lvx17 v1.5
...model with the large logo that can't really be called stippling. It has none...

Belgian Waffle D.R.U.M. Mag Cover V1.1
...model of his mag's front cover for this design.
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; firearms...

AR15 22lr Conversion Bolt Assembly and Reliability Parts. STEP and .f3d Files
...modeled this AR15 22lr conversion bolt with reliability parts from Bore Buddy. This can be used...

Double Stack Shenandoah PRD
...Model 175 "Shenandoah," and while Safariland LLC doesn't seem to care too much about...

kp prints reupload - AK STOCK By : Vladimir Yurov
...filled nylon.
If nothing else, it can be used as a good reference model.
Kp - ...

CMMG 22lr Conversion Jadozub re-upload
...model thats on printable's that can be found here
LBRY Tags...

FGC9-MKII fixed low rail upper
...model with the rail that needs to be bolted on.
227 shroud