There's an API link at the bottom if you want to poke around

Consolidated Cad Challenge Files
...All release from the OOB CAD Challenges....

Not a brace - (Unhappy_Arm4176)
...Participant in OOD CAD Challenge 2!...

Poor Mans James Bond
...For your crafting table...

Thank You Token v1
...This is the thing that we made for the thing... 1k baby!!...

...ears for the 4th Out of Battery Live CAD contest.
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; py2a; printing guns; 3d printing...

Summer Sausage Angled Grip
...Battery Live. If you’re a newbie or a pro, consider participating and growing your...

mlok handstop
...make it a higher infill.
LBRY Tags: oob; awcy; handstop; mlok; out of battery live...