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Summer Sausage Angled Grip

Middleton Made 2.9MiB Nov. 22, 2023, 3:28 p.m.

Foregrip Furniture Accessory

If a slim and streamlined AFG that has no visible screws or nuts is what you want, the Summer Sausage is the grip for you. By angling the screw inside the grip, it provides both rearward and downward tension, securing the grip to your picatinny rail in much less space than cross-bolt type methods.

Remember, don't over-tighten and it's helpful to chamfer the edge of the screw to prevent damage to printed rails.

This was designed for the design challenge put on by Danny Meatball from Out of Battery Live. If you’re a newbie or a pro, consider participating and growing your skillset.

LBRY Tags: 3d2a; 3dprinting; cantstopthesignal; vfg; afg