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Budget Press Fit 22LR Upper
...This is a modified A3 UR Lite upper that has no deflector, dust cover, gas...

...22lr Draco 100% DIY -untested design- read assembly
LBRY Tags: 22lr; draco; ak47; gun; 3dprint...

Blastersaurus Rex 22LR Press Fit Upper
...Please note this design is currently in beta.
The overdesigned heavy-duty BLASTERAURUS REX 22lr...

CMMG 22LR Magazine - Altivolo Remix V2
...I didn't like the heavy and ugly stock 22LR CMMG mags, so I made...

...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: ruger; 10/22; barrel band; firearm accessories; rifle...

Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22 Print Package
...I have found a printable lower receiver and magazine that can be printed for the...

Hitchhiker (AR15 Compatible) Folding Storage Grip
...Just a quick modification to add storage to the Hitchhiker folding grip, this should fit...

SL-15 HTDMRD 22LR V1.0
...22lr pistol based on CMMG bolt, Hoffman Tactical lower, Daichi upper and handguard, Mussy and...

AR15 22lr Conversion Bolt Assembly and Reliability Parts. STEP and .f3d Files
...I painstakingly modeled this AR15 22lr conversion bolt with reliability parts from Bore Buddy. This...

AK-22 updated
...This AK in 22lr is made from an airsoft receiver and it's 100% DIY...

FossWerks 3D11 Beta
...FossWerks 3D11 Drop In 1911 .22LR Conversion Slide
LBRY Tags: fosscad; 2a; 1911; fosswerks; 22lr...

Reinforced AR7 Printable Receiver
...This is a remix of Vinh's excellent AR7 model (on the gatalog) and HulkHogan...

The Dickbutt Harlot
...Troll your local AG with this new and improved, ready for the news, Dickbutt Harlot...

The Trident- A folding AR-22 styled pistol, original CAD by Mussy.
...A folding AR-22 styled pistol designed by Mussy.
This system uses a CMMG 5.56...

Ar22WMR AR17HMR 15rnd Straight Wall Mag
...15 round straight mag. Like the Black dog machine mag but better...

BB RQD Clone
...Please buy the metal version from Borebuddy, It is a amazing muzzle device.
A clone...

209 Storage plus grip ext.
...This is a 209 Primer storage for the “kampfpistole” and the “Leuchtpistole” by caffrinated. i...

HD22/EZ22 skinny mag clean model
...The model was just cleaned up and made whole. The original is a mess of...

22lr Suppressor for the Borebuddy RQD
...My D1.3BB design but threaded for Borebuddys RQD (Rimfire Quick Disconnect) muzzle devices.
* PLA+ or...

10/22 quad mag coupler
...Quadruple mag coupler
Allows you to attach 4 10rd 10/22 ruger mags onto one unit...