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Dragonfly AR15 Grip Teaser
...The Dragonfly is a combination base that combines the DSMG spade grip and the Chain...

Hoffman Tactical AR15 Super Lower Head Plate Remix
...The original one was a whole 3mm away from threading
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; 3d printing...

Toolless M-Lok Wire Control Guides - aka Magpul WCK
...Facsimile of the Magpul WCK toolless M-Lok wire control guides. Includes Step and f3d...

ArmaSpec Brace
...This replaces the stock piece of the ArmaSpec XPDW system. It uses the original guide...

Bushing Installation Tool
...This is the tool used to pull the brass bushings into their pockets.
LBRY Tags...

orca5.3 3mf.
...orca in bambu slicer. v5.3. dont trust it then make your own 3mf...

FamAR Update for December
...The hard part of the FamAR is almost over! I lost a lot of time...

Biden's Bane Toob Handgaurd Pack
...This is a tube shaped handgaurd for the Biden's Bane upper. There are two...

Monero Waffle Mag Top
...What fits better with 3D printed guns and 3D printed magazines than monero? Buy monero...

DSMG Spade Grips for AR15
...The D.S.M.G. (direct mount spade grip) is a spade grip that mounts directly to an...

ScARpion 22 adapter for Bento Box brace
...This is simply an adapter to use the AWCY bento box brace on the scarpion...

Zenitco RK–6L-3D, an inspired M-lok Handstop
...This is a Zenitco styled handstop for the AR15/AR10/AR9 platforms, and various toys, utilizing the...

Dual DSMG Spade Grips
...This is the DSMG model specifically for my double barrel ar15.

M16K Freefloat handguard
...This is a 6.33" free float handguard made to resemble the one from an M16...

Hitchhiker (AR15 Compatible) Folding Storage Grip
...Just a quick modification to add storage to the Hitchhiker folding grip, this should fit...

LR-300 Pistol Grip V1.1
...LR300 Pistol Grip V1.1 by Qwerm
My attempt to make a replica of the classic...

AR15 22lr Conversion Bolt Assembly and Reliability Parts. STEP and .f3d Files
...I painstakingly modeled this AR15 22lr conversion bolt with reliability parts from Bore Buddy. This...

Angled Nub Grip
...Taller angled grip. Takes Magpul MLOK type screws and T nuts (cheap amazon ones work...

AR15 Lower Receiver Just Buffer Repaired
...AR15 Lower Receiver Just Buffer Repaired
LBRY Tags: ar15 lower receiver just buffer repaired; lower...

[Remix] LSW Handguard for Carbine Length FSB
...This is a remix of Stubbs' file, used with permission:
All credit...