Not everything is legal everywhere. Double-check local laws before printing

...Simple redesigned lever and trip block insert for the bolt of the JTS M12AR to...

Golf Ball Launcher Printable Threads
...(Edited) Golf Ball Launcher_1/2-28_printable_threads
This is the same as the last one but the...

Schräge Musik Teaser
...This is a teaser for the printable gun I have spent a year developing and...

DSMG Spade Grips for AR15
...The D.S.M.G. (direct mount spade grip) is a spade grip that mounts directly to an...

AR15 De-Safety
...With this work plan and a competent machinist, you can modify an existing AR15 safety...

Single Rib Basic Lower With U-Bolt
...This is an older community mod that was done to one of the legacy lower...

Halo BR15 parts
...Zip folder of the separate parts ready for printing
LBRY Tags: halo; halo br15; halo...

Magpul style AFG for pic rails
...Printer Used: Anycubic Vyper
Filament Used: PLA+
Print Settings:
Extruder: 218C
Bed: 56C
First Layer...

Belt Fed Update
...I havent forgotten about my belt fed enthusiasts.
The belt fed is on its 3rd...

...straight railed orca handguard for using iron sights
LBRY Tags: hoffman; orca; handguard; rail; hoffman...

Raider Pad Fixed Stock, as seen in Call of Duty Cold War
...The Raider Pad, as seen in the game Call of Duty Cold War, is not...

Mlok Rails
...All the Mlok rails your little heart desires. Uses standard mlok screws and bolt

Custom CMMG EML4 Angled Foregrip
...Designed for the CMMG Handguard, AR15, EML4 ( It has a small finger...

AR15-M16 Files from the internet
...AR15-M16 Files from the internet
LBRY Tags: firearms; guns; gun; ar15; m16...

BCiG (Bolt Carrier in Grip) for MOE Grips
...Bolt Carrier in Grip (BCiG)
A MOE insert to hold a spare bolt, firing pin...

Gas Block Bench Tool’s V1
...The “Adjustable Gas Block Bench Tool” is for installing .750 normal and generic adjustable, low...

...A pack of stuff to help you make your FGC9
LBRY Tags: guns; fgc9; ar15...

AR15 - Gravity Feed Auto Aligning Pump Magazine Loader
...Gravity feed, auto aligning, pump handle magazine loader with 60 round hopper. Load STANAG magazines...

[Remix] LSW Handguard for Carbine Length FSB
...This is a remix of Stubbs' file, used with permission:
All credit...

AR15 Lower Receiver Just Buffer Repaired
...AR15 Lower Receiver Just Buffer Repaired
LBRY Tags: ar15 lower receiver just buffer repaired; lower...