All times are displayed in Central Time. Anything more requires cookies and shit that I haven't set up yet

Fedorov Avtomat Reference Model
...Unknown Developer, STEP and X_T File Format available.
The Fedorov Avtomat (also anglicized as...

CZ 452-2E ZKM Carbine Reference Model
...You can find the original model here this is TeruTeru's new account on Odysee...

MSM Métral Reference Model
...STEP and PDF Guide
The Métral submachine gun is a submachine gun designed by Swiss...

AK-103 Butt and handguard
...Blueprints for the butt and hand guard if you have any more send me a...

MP-38 Reference Model
...Unknown Devloper, files available in Solidworks, STEP, and IGS some parts in German...

A do it yourself Submachine gun
...Its homemade, 9mm, lightweight, durable, and will never be on an import ban list....

Unseenkiller - Rook Telescoping Stock and Brace Assembly
...Please give a follow to unseenkiller he is a treasure in this community
Original Link...

Gunmetal Design Big 50 Blueprint
...Original Developer O-Town currently lost to history.
Gunmetal Design Big 50
50 Cal browning...

Unseenkiller - Black Pawn L Assembly
...Please give a follow to unseenkiller he is a treasure in this community
Original Link...

Beretta 84F Reference Model
...Unknown Developer, STEP Format, Thank you for your hard work...

SIG SG 551 Reference Model
...Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES and X_T File Format available.
The SG 551 carbine has...

RPG-7 Reference Model
...Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES and X_T File Format available.
The RPG-7 is a...

Colt Peacemaker Reference Model
...IGES, and STEP File Format, Unknown Developer
The Colt Single Action Army (also known as...

Chamelot-Delvigne MAS1873 Reference Model
...Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES, and X_T File Format
The service revolver model 1873 Chamelot...

PPSH 41 Drum Magazine Reference Model
...Unknown Developer, PPSh-41 Drum Magazine, available in solidworks, parts are in Russian needs translation...

K50 Mauser Reference Model
...FIles available in IGS and STEP, Unknown Developer...

M203 40mm Grenade Launcher Receiver
...M203 40mm Receiver Blueprint...

MAC-10 Reference Model
...Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES and X_T File Format available.
The Military Armament Corporation Model...

FN SCAR-16 Reference Model
...Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES and X_T File Format available.
The FN SCAR (SOF (Special...

SIG MCX Reference model
...Unknown Developer, STEP, IGES and X_T File Format available.
The SIG MCX is a...