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Unseenkiller - Geneva Breacher Assembly
Please give a follow to unseenkiller he is a treasure in this community
Original Link: https://odysee.com/@unseenkiller:d/Unseenkiller---Geneva-Breac

Unseenkiller - Black Pawn L Assembly
Please give a follow to unseenkiller he is a treasure in this community
Original Link: https://odysee.com/@unseenkiller:d/Unseenkiller---Black-Pawn-L

GhostG3D AR15 Magwell
Simple and sleek flared magwell for standard milspec AR-15 magwells. Uses an M3 socket head bolt and nut. Print in a high temp filament like CF-Nylon

Unseenkiller - Rook Telescoping Stock and Brace Assembly
Please give a follow to unseenkiller he is a treasure in this community
Original Link: https://odysee.com/@unseenkiller:d/Unseenkiller---Rook-Telesco

Another of the blue DPM Kurdish uniform camos, this one has a bit more of the classic DPM blob feel to it.
To replicate, start off with a light blue b

PMAG GL9 +3 Extension
Plus 3 Extension BasePlate for MAGPUL Glock magazines.
LBRY Tags: pmag plus 3; gl9 plus 3; plus 3 extension; glock magazine; magpul glock magazine

Halo BR Carry Handle
Finally, the cherry on top of your spacegat build!
Contains "Picatinny" & "Picatinny w/Irons"
Overall length : 10.4"
All that is needed are (3) of ei

GhostG3D DUMP-9a "DUMPster Fire" Public Beta Test UPDATED
Public Beta is open for the DUMP-9a aka "DUMPster Fire" by GhostG3D. A new spin on the DB9 alloy with the aestetics of an UMP. This is pretty close to

Rossi Brawler Foregrip 2 shot mag
Extended foregrip for the Rossi Brawler. Holds a pair of 45 Colt rounds.

a DB Alloy with intergraded Invader style brace and Grip. Specialty flip safety (only for sloppy seconds). thanks to the original designers

slip on style stock/brace options for any style buffer tube without foam padding! this style clamps on and even has an a2 style stock with storage, si

MoonClip Storage Box-9mm x 6RD
I designed this for my Ruger SpeedSix Revolver that uses moon clips.
This makes for easy storage and transportation instead of having them loose.

Glock Stippling Jig
Stippling Jig for Glock frames

Fuze Ignition System + Extras
This is a smoke grenade ignition system. Read the readme and don't be dumb. Thanks

My remix of Ivan the troll's ubar v2 . fosscad on one side and 3D defense on the other.
This is my remix of Ivan's ubar 2. I changed the trigger guard contour, beefed up and flared out the magwell . On the front I sliced the part off that

Bolt Carrier in Grip V2 (BCiG_V2)
A MOE insert to hold a spare bolt, firing pin, bolt retention pin, and 2 firing pin retention pins.

CZ Shadow firing pin
Reverse Engineered by Dinka Roubles! Thank you for taking the time to reverse engineer this!

Hollow Super Safe for Lost PLA Casting
want to cast your own super safe in aluminum/zamak/ brass or some other metal? give Lost PLA Casting a try!
i would advise to upscale 101% - 102% to

Unseenkiller - Rook Telescoping Stock and Brace
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Enfield 45ACP magwell adapter
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