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...RFRD gat lab grab your rifles!!!" Cosmetic Remix of the Rkspookware 9mm PCC ubar variant....

FTN.3 D Cell Remix by Spartan81
...PCC should hold up fine since 556 is the higher pressure of the two. 308 has not been...

...PCC that Frankenstein himself would be jealous of.
This project holds a special place in my heart...

triangle stock/brace
...pcc style system. print orientation in files as well as step file for modifications as needed...

UBAR-9 Enhanced Mag Release
...PCC; easier to actuate than the original.
Compatible with:
* UBAR-9
* UBAR-9 Winterized

Pr. 37 Drozd Alpha v0.001
...PCC suppressor that can easily be swapped from a pistol to a rifle with minimal...

Pr.100 Tyulpan Alpha
...PCC version
V0.0031 - further minor internal improvements made
V0.003 - endcap and vents revised to be less...

Glock Mag Coupler
...PCC. Great for Home defense guns! Files include a version with a .375" gap between...

NAC Flash Slasher V1 BETA
...PCC platforms.
Uses a wide bore and a vented outer chamber to reduce and direct...

Beta Files Dec 7
...PCC fixed
-Recent update showed that a UNREINFORCED baffle actually performed better than expected...