All times are displayed in Central Time. Anything more requires cookies and shit that I haven't set up yet

RXM Reference Model
...model was developed by Chairmanwon, with modeling contributions from @ERockRice, @Its_Chapp, and @RICECUTTA0.
⚠ Note: This model is not intended for direct 3D printing. It serves as a reference model...

AR-12 Magazine Reference Model
...Reference model of a Turkish AR-12 pattern magazine (fits VR-80 pattern shotguns, etc), 5 round...

Bren L4A1 Magazine Reference Model (WIP)
...Reference model of a Bren L4A1 magazine (*early access*: just the floor plate for now, rest...

SIG Sauer P226 with mag
...thank you for your work making this reference model
SIG P226 as STEP and X_T parasolid...

...SIG-510/STGW 57 Unknown developer, available in STEP and X_T Parasolid great model...

PP-90 Machine Pistol
...PP-90 SMG, STEP Format only, Developed by Anatoli Metzger...

SIG P320 M17 Magazine
...SIG P320 M17 Magazine unknown developer, available in STEP format...

CZ Shadow firing pin
...Reverse Engineered by Dinka Roubles! Thank you for taking the time to reverse engineer this...

Chamelot-Delvigne MAS1874
...Unknown Developer, STEP, and IGES, and X_T File Format
The MAS 1874 was a...

Glock firing pin reference model
...Needed a STEP file for conveniently modeling stuff around a Glock firing pin / striker, but...

M320 Barrel Reference Model
...reference models for the coveted launcher so this is our contribution to help fix that...

Unseenkiller - Black Pawn L Assembly
...Please give a follow to unseenkiller he is a treasure in this community
Original Link...

Unseenkiller - Geneva Breacher Assembly
...Please give a follow to unseenkiller he is a treasure in this community
Original Link...

Unseenkiller - Rook Telescoping Stock and Brace Assembly
...Please give a follow to unseenkiller he is a treasure in this community
Original Link...

1-1 SKS Receiver - Reference model
...This SKS Receiver is from the 3-14888, GRAU (56-A-231) Technical Data Package...

BCA Bufferless BC9 reference models
...I designed the Bear Creek Arsenal BC-9 rear buffer device for their bufferless AR...

(reference model) not-a-glock lower negative
...A negative of the internals for the not-a-glock by @Just-in-Case:2...

Cobray M-11-9 Upper Reference
...modeling the barrel as well, check back for update.
This model intended for reference only.
CC-BY-NC-SA - No commercial use
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; mac11; guncad; reference model...

P322 Grip Mod
...reference model, outside grip profile and trigger guard are the only things not factory

M17 and M18 Commercial Slides
...both the M17 and M18 Commercial Slides, factory reference models
LBRY Tags: m17; m18; slide; sig; model...