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Complete M4 Survival Rifle Technical Data Package
...package for the M4 Survival Rifle (not and M4 Carbine, sadly)
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AWCY? presents: Chicks Dig ACRs adjustable folding pistol brace and rifle stock
...The latest accessory from your favorite artists. an adaptive folding tailhook brace with an adjustable...

Hydra Takedown Rifle
...GCI presents…HYDRA! This .22lr semi-auto rifle/pistol offers maximum modular ability as well as...

Ruger Ranch Rifle AKM Adapter
...rifle - AK magazine adapter.
This is a drop in solution that may not work on the first...

BONK - .22/.25/.27 calibre survival rifle
...rifle that can be chambered for several different rimfire calibres. Unlike most other designs, this...

Technical Data Packs For Rifles Part 4
because this zip is so large it has been broken into 5 parts including...

Technical Data Packs For Rifles Part 1
because this zip is so large it has been broken into 5 parts including...

EIC/NRA Service Rifle Ammo Quiver
...Rifle Ammo Pouch or Quiver for 223/556
Spots included for two sighters, and ten cartridges...

Halo Infinite Commando Rifle
...Commando Rifle from Halo Infinite
LBRY Tags: gaming; halo; halo infinite; commando rifle...

Cursd Ranch Rifle
...rifle style lower receiver for the FM-15 bufferless upper compatible with Mossberg 500/Maverick 88 stocks...

The Book of Rifles
...Book about rifles with a lot of interesting history.
LBRY Tags: rifle; firearm; weapon; book...

hARdware Store Rifle
An integrated AR-15 lower, stock, and grip integrated into a single unit. Most...

Harlot Survival Rifle stock
...rifle stock 16" barreled harlot pistols
also I'm too lazy to take a photo...

Harlot Survival Rifle Stock v2.0
...rifle stock that i made a while back
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; firearms; 3d2a; harlot...

Henry AR-7 Rifle Stock Replacement
...Rifle is good to store it in, but isn't a great stock on it's own. This...

DeAR22 Middleton Made x MG Handguard & Faux Can for Rifle Length Builds
...This includes the STL for my 9" handguard remix as well as the faux can...

22 Long Rifle
...Don't dry-fire a rimfire gun, use a snap-cap. If you don't...

Technical Data Packs For Rifles
because this zip is so large it has been broken into 5 parts including...

Technical Data Packs for Rifles Part 2
because this zip is so large it has been broken into 5 parts including...

Technical Data Packs For Rifles Part 3
because this zip is so large it has been broken into 5 parts including...