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S96S Sight Cover

Jan. 2, 2023, 5:28 p.m. - 139.6KiB - Stubbs Customs
0.01LBC - 0 Reposts
Sights Rifle AR-15 Accessory
The S96S rear sight cover was made a while ago when the original S96S released on Defcad, but never implemented. The S96S is a Stoner 63 inspired mod ...
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What tags do you think should be added?

Accessory Type

The type of accessory this release is, or a list of accessories also included in the pack.


What kind(s) of ammunition is this release pertinent to?

Gun Type

It's a gun. But what KIND of gun?


Mostly relevant for frames/receivers and certain accessories. The OEM of the hardware this release is intended to replace or otherwise be compatible for.


Metadata about the release.


Most firearms and parts can trace their lineage directly upward to a common ancestor from which they all exchange some degree of mutual compatibility or heritage.

Primary Type

What kind of thing is this?

Release Group

Was a group related to the development, testing, or shipping of this release?


Which tags shouldn't be there?

Accessory Type

The type of accessory this release is, or a list of accessories also included in the pack.

Gun Type

It's a gun. But what KIND of gun?


Most firearms and parts can trace their lineage directly upward to a common ancestor from which they all exchange some degree of mutual compatibility or heritage.

Primary Type

What kind of thing is this?