When you click a release and see its details, you can click its tags to search for them

UMP remixed build
...all the files to recreate the ump I built.
LBRY Tags: ump; 9mm; carbon folder...

Threaded Container
...I made a threaded container, scalable. The photo shows a nearly maxed out 256 plate...

ump upper remix
...this is just a remix of awcy ump 11/9. rear right removed and logo removed...

Saiga.308 Adapter Beta
...Making a thread adapter for a saiga .308 rifle. Still in beta, print at your...

Saiga .308 Adapter
...Saiga .308 adapter, V1.1ish? Will test it soon, but i think it fits good and...

HG 119 modified
...extend HG for the ump 11/9 and no front sight post for the clean look...

Corser 10 PDW G43X MOS
...fun stuff is on the way very soon. I'm wrapping up the Corser series...
