Images for smaller things are broken but not popular releases? Probably an Odysee problem

File Release: 3D Printed Snap Caps (pistol calibers)
...WTD Concepts zip file for 3D printed Snap Caps. Calibers: .22LR .380 ACP 9mm .40 S&W .45 ACP

3D Printed AR Charging Handle Extension - Files
...WTD-1061 and WTD-1062 are AR-15 charging handle extensions (two different designs, not...

3D Printed Holster Claw/Wing for Concealment Express Holster- Files
...These are the STL, STEP, and Readme files for a 3D printable Holster Claw/Wing compatible...

3D Printed Canted Iron Sights - Files
...STL files for 45 degree canted iron sights that can be 3D printed. These are...

3D Printed Glock Magazine Carrier (17, 19, 26, 22, 23, 27) - File Release
...This is the full file package with Readme, STEP, STL, and Native models for an...

3D Printed Sig Sauer, Canik, Taurus G3 Double Stack 9mm Magazine Carrier - File Release
...This is the full file package with Readme, STEP, STL, and Native models for an...

3D Printed Kahr Arms Single Stack 9mm Magazine Carrier - File Release
...This is the full file package with Readme, STEP, STL, and Native models for an...

3D Printed M1911, Sig P220 Magazine Carrier .45 ACP - File Release
...This is the full file package with Readme, STEP, STL, and Native models for an...

3D Printed M&P Shield 45 Magazine Carrier - File Release
...This is the full file package with Readme, STEP, STL, and Native models for an...

3D Printed Glock 43X Magazine Carrier - File Release
...This is the full file package with Readme, STEP, STL, and Native models for an...

"Micro" 9mm Concealed Carry Pistol Comparison Spreadsheet
...This is an Excel spreadsheet with all the major 9mm Concealed Carry Pistols on the...

3D Printed Ruger SR22 Magazine Carrier - File Release
...This is the full file package with Readme, STEP, STL, and Native models for an...

3D Printed Kahr Arms Single Stack 380 ACP, M&P EZ380 Magazine Carrier - File Release
...This is the full file package with Readme, STEP, STL, and Native models for an...

Every Single Sig P356(X) AIWB Holster in One Spreadsheet - Excel File
...This is a spreadsheet updated 11/20/2022 with every Sig Sauer P365(X) holster available in...

Milspec AR Trigger 3D Printed FLAT Trigger Shoe - Files
...File release for a slip on flat trigger shoe that slips over a milspec AR...

Sig Romeo 5 Turret Caps STL - Files
...These are the STL files and Readme to 3D individual or connected turret caps for...

Sig Romeo 5 Lens Cap (Clear and Opaque) STL - Files
...These are the STL files and Readme to 3D print clear and opaque lens covers...
