If you can make a better monochromatic icon, hit me up. I'll use it

...good deal on filaments
LBRY Tags: filament; 3d; print...

G17 defend the second
...Rework of the great Chairman Won's g17 with a defend the second logo added...

Deterrence dispensed WA state rework step file
...Deterrence dispensed WA state rework step file to include plate pocket and message to WA...

Deterrence dispensed reworked to include plate pocket and message to WA politicians
...Deterrence dispensed reworked to include plate pocket and message to WA politicians, this is a...

DNL 17.2 with a pocket for putting a serial number plate
...DNL 17.2 with a pocket for putting a serial number plate
LBRY Tags: glock; 3d...

DNL FMDA 17.2 with pocket for serial plate
...DNL FMDA 17.2 with pocket for serial plate
LBRY Tags: glock; fosscad; dnl; art; freedom...

cw19punisher v3
...rework of CWs standard 19x to include a punisher logo
LBRY Tags: 3d; guns; glock...
