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SR9C Crosshatch grip with ThickGrip reinforcement
...Crosshatched grip and thickened the thin wall weak point where the offhand thumb and trigger...

...This is a test of a G42 made with DD43.1 rails. I recommend using OEM...

DD43.1 Simple Crosshatch
...DD43.1 with simple crosshatch
LBRY Tags: dd43; dd43.1; glock; 3d2a; fosscad...

SR9C Crosshatch grip with ThickGrip v2
...Took a different approach to thickening the magwell that smooths the transition from the thicker...

PY2A G17 with crosshatch grips, "Grock" logo and custom mag catch
...PY2A G17 with crosshatch grips, "Grock" logo and custom mag catch.
LBRY Tags: g17; glock...
