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Chimera .410 Shotgun

May 9, 2022, 1:33 p.m. - 12.3MiB - Pilot Hobbies
1.05LBC - 1 Reposts
...The Chimera is a .410 break barrel shotgun made using a mix of 3D printed...
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PG22 Maverick V2 - 3D Printed .22 Revolver

May 19, 2022, 1:51 p.m. - 7.3MiB - Pilot Hobbies
0.05LBC - 3 Reposts
...MAVERICK V2.4 .22 Short Single-Action Pepperbox Style Revolver. This version includes a larger trigger...
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G22 Grizzly Survival Rifle - Pilotgeek Edition

May 19, 2022, 2:25 p.m. - 2.0MiB - Pilot Hobbies
0.05LBC - 2 Reposts
...Not my design, just a custom stock, foregrip, and slightly revised trigger for the G22...
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PG22 Aurora - Single Shot 3D Printed Blowback Action Prototype

May 19, 2022, 2:36 p.m. - 8.9MiB - Pilot Hobbies
0.05LBC - 1 Reposts
...Mostly just a working proof-of-concept, the Aurora is a single-shot .22lr using...
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