All LBRY claims are public, even if you hide them in Odysee. It's the nature of the platform

10/22 Charger Pistol Frame
...stock. Needs beta testing. feedback appreciated....
LBRY Tags: fosscad; 3d printing; ruger 1022; charger; madmax7774...

22Sup v10
...very interesting file... Not sure what it's used for, but it looks cool....

Hidden Gala Mods for Octane 45 supressor and Pic But stock
...I love this design, but have a SilencerCo octane45 that I wanted to use. Mods...

22SupV14 now in STL format...
...22LR can concept V14. now in STL format......

22Sup v14
...22LR hushpuppy Version 14. Added blast chamber, strengthened baffles, added more cheese
LBRY Tags: fosscad...

...3d printed Buttstock with Pic rail mount
LBRY Tags: fosscad; 10/22; 3d printing...

22Sup-75-16NF v14
...22LR prototype V14 with three-quarter by 16 threads as requested
LBRY Tags: fosscad...

CP33 Charging Handle
...I wanted a bigger charging handle for my CP33. Not strictly an improvement per se...

22Sup-375-24NF v14
...22Sup prototype V14 now with three-eighths by 24 threads as requested...
LBRY Tags: fosscad...
