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DooHickey Sling Mount- kickster pic rail version
...Added a 3 slot pic rail to the DooHickey Sling Mount...

tt33 extended base plate +3
...Made a working base plate for the tt33 that lets it now hold 11 rounds...

3D2A weapon charm
...3D print come and take it weapon charm or keychain accessory...

boolibrace tpu cover
...tpu cover for the boolibrace...

G26 with TLR6 holster and attachable mag holster
...G26/TLR6 holster with mag sidecar...

winchester 68-22 rear sight round holder
...If you have a old winchester 68-22 with a scope and the rear irons...

Taurus curve rear sight
...Taurus curve pop in rear sight, once installed removing it will result in it breaking...

reupload of taurus curve sight
...accidently uploaded the 3mf, this is the stl...

68-22 Firing pin head replacement
...68-22 Winchester bolt action firing pin head replacement takes a m3 bolt, have to...
