There are a surprising number of Christmas tree ornaments here

extendo 64 mag pack
...extended magazine with extendo logo. easy to customize and paint. remix of danny meatballs extended...

glock switchy (charging handle)
...switch for your glock ! tell the ATF to relax its just a nintendo switch charging...

Mega Mag pack
...if youre familiar with my mags that used to be on cults then you know...

...skeletonized glock 19 which takes FMDA rails...

...WTS SERIALLESS show logo...but as a real box ! put stuff in it and rep...

arasaka mag
...mag made during tutorial. arasaka tech got Glock mag
LBRY Tags: automotive; economics; education; gaming...

Graveyard glock 26
...skeletonized glock 26 that takes p80 rails. I give credit to ghostyoftheleaf and mussy the...

graveyard mag mega pack v1
...pack of glock mags i remixed from dmb mags
LBRY Tags: art; education; gaming; music...

...remix of DMB extended mag for double stack 9mm glocks
LBRY Tags: supreme; mag; dmb...

a few more new mags
...added Twix mag , coke mag, crunch mag, Hershey mag, shark face mag, skittles mag, and...

...step file of graveyard glock 19...get your remix on......
