There are a surprising number of Christmas tree ornaments here

Grozn't AK47 Bullpup Chassis
...The Grozn't (because it ISN'T a GROZA) is a 3D printable chassis system...

The Can-Can - Put a can on your MAC11!
...The Can-Can is a 3D Printable direct-thread muzzle device for 1/2x28 threaded MAC11...

Grozn't CAD Assembly (.f3d)
...Fully assembled CAD model of the Grozn't for easy remixing
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; groznt...

GRIP ZONE! R36s ergo grip remix
...Remix of a grip module for the R36s retro gaming console by Digital Jedi on...

The People's Ruger, Ruger P95 Internal Geometry Slug
...Using this slug, devs working on Ruger P95 based builds can quickly and easily cut...

Poe Pickler, MAC11 Muzzle Device
...Dinka Roubles, February 2024
The Poe Pickler is a simple remix of Gerald Katz's KittyKan...

Baby Bolter STC
...File drop for the Baby Bolter WH40K styled 3D Printable MAC11
Update 2/15/2025: Files updated...

My favorite AFG
...This is an AFG I've used on a couple of builds, but the original...

Printable Replacement Striker Spring Guide for the Hudson H9
...If your striker spring guide on your Hudson H9 has failed you, have no fear...

Gunsmithing Punch Tray
...A tray for holding brass punches, specifically designed with the Spika Guncare Punch Set, sold...

Remix: Biden's Bane 3D Printable Handguard, 6" Quad Rail
...A Cut down 6" version of the quad rail handguard for the Biden's Bane...

Picatinny Rail .step File for CAD
...Pic Rail .step file for GunCAD
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; guncad; pic rail; picatinny; step file...

...Designed for the Baby Bolter, the Chonkiboi is a thicc grip that will fit any...

VZ52 Magazine Conversion Kit
...Magazine conversion follower for VZ52s being converted to use 7.62x39
If you're a...

Biden's Bane Remix: No logo, No Forward Assist, Added Brass Deflector
...Spliced the brass deflector from the FA version of the Biden's Bane onto the...

AR15 Wall Hanger
...A simple wall hanger for an AR15 (or any other rifle that uses the same...

Novelty Chamber Flag
...Novelty chamber flag to express your opinions about some range's requirement to use one...

CZ Shadow firing pin
...Reverse Engineered by Dinka Roubles! Thank you for taking the time to reverse engineer this!...
