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...FMDA Remix #2
Modification of the original FMDA DD19.2 with ergonomics, feels great in the...

Trippy G19 Remix
...Remix of Chairmanwon's "Trippy" G19 FMDA frame. Added the usual things I like on...

Harlet / Harlot V3 Barrel Suppressed
...Quick and dirty addition of the "Quiet Girl" integrated suppressor onto a V3 "Extendo" barrel...

BearDagger DD19.2 Remix
...Remix of TyrannicalTy's DD Dagger FMDA DD19.2 with extended beaver tail and front mag...

Decker 380 Iron Sights
...These are iron sights for the Decker 380 from the Black Lotus Coalition. Use if...
